It was a black Monday for Beirut as hundreds of protestors gathered on the streets and blocked them in protest to the James Blunt concert which is scheduled to take place on February 28th.
Burning tires and anti-Blunt slogans like "Blunt is a cunt" and "save our children, ban James Blunt" kept the citizens away from a lot of Beirut's main streets.
Fadi, who could not get to work because of the burning tires told us, "I don't care. I hate James Blunt. I also hate my job."
Janette, an Ashrafieh resident, said, "Yi! I can't believe this. Lots of people like him. I don't like my neighbor Nadia, but I don't burn tires in front of her door. C'est trop!"

One of the masked protestors who refused to reveal his identity said that the protest was "for the sake of all of humanity."
Another protestor, who also wished to remain anonymous, told us that he actually likes James Blunt, "but my friends made me come here. I had to. I didn't want them to think I'm a sissy." One message he had for our readers was to "never give up on your dreams."
Several bonfires took place, the most concentrated on Manara. Protestors burned Blunt's CD's and posters, and played several games including jumping over the fire.
Several flashy police Dodge Chargers were also kidnapped, and the kidnappers said that they will not release them until they have James Blunt, "dead or alive." When asked what if nobody responds to their ransom, one of the kidnappers said that he would settle for "tickets to the next Tiesto event."
The policemen, smoking and listening to loud music, had no idea that they were being kidnapped.
As night engulfs the turbulent city, the situation is still shaky. Beirut's residents, including us, are hoping for the best. Not for Blunt, of course.